More updates on the Vancouver Joomla Day

As you might have read the announcement on the rmd Studio website, we are organizing the Vancouver Joomla Day on the June 12th 2008 with the help of other associates in our circle such as Wendy Robinson, Tazzu (Vancouver’s Business & Technology) Community, PeerGlobe Technology, and JenTekk Web Solutions.

We have made some changes to the event’s schedule, because we though the original plan was a little too developers focused and we didn’t want to rule out the non-developer Joomla enthusiasts, Marketers, and Social Media consultants from attending this community driven event.

Have you done any projects in Joomla? then put it on the spotlight

In the new schedule we have considered 6 project spotlight time slots, each 15 minutes long for those who have been involed with a Joomla related project and would like to share some insights with the rest of community members. If you have developed  any projects in Joomla you might be interested to do a small presentation on the Joomla Day. For more information please read this post on the Tazzu blog

More Time to share and cross pollinate ideas

There is a one hour lunch break from 12:00 to 1:00 PM where we get to socialize a bit

From 4:40 to 5:30 there will be more time for us to spend some time sharing ideas and asking questions. This is your opportunity to meet some of the Joomla Core developers and many other people who are involved in this great project in person.

We are looking forward to seeing you there. If you haven’t purchased your tickets, you can do it here:

We have also listed the Vancouver Joomla Day event on the facebook. If you would like to know who else is attending or help us spread the word, Please RSVP here:

Vancouver Joomla Day 2008
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Is Twitter evolving from Micro-Blogging to Cloud Communication?

Here is a good example of how an alternative User Interface can change the context of which an application is being used.

Twitter initially started as a micro blogging service. In fact this is what their official description says:

“Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?”

But then nice little applications such as TwitterFox or Twhirl have turned twitter into a global chat program, or shall I say a “Cloud Communication” tool where users passively or actively broadcast short snips of information to other clouds of users. These clouds overlap tightly and therefore create an organic gossip network of people where news and information is distributed in a fluid and organic fashion.


TwitterFox and Twhirl are nothing but different User Interfaces on the same back-end that the standard Twitter is utilizing, however the new style of user interaction, has caused twitter to evolve form a micro-blogging service to a completely new species.

[tags]twitter, twitterdox, twhirl, socialmedia, chat network, organic[/tags]