Congratulations Johan Janssens for being the most valued person in both Joomla and Mambo project.
“His work on Joomla! is excellent.”
“Johan is responsible for the development of the Joomla! Framework., he lead the Joomla! project to become the succesfull project it is today.”
“Johan is the man behind the amazing architecture design of the only PHP based CMS with a solid development framework.”
Packt Publishing has announced the names of most valued people in different open source content management system projects. These names have been put forward by the core development and community members of these projects. Johan has been the former Lead Architect and Project Manager in the Joomla Core development team.
Currently Johan Janssens is the Managing Director and Lead Architect in Joomlatools. He and his team are responsible for amazing projects such as Nooku an amazing content translation solution and also he has done great framework contributions to our ongoing project the Anahita Social Engine framework.