Congratulations Johan Janssens

Johan Janssens

Congratulations Johan Janssens for being the most valued person in both Joomla and Mambo project.

“His work on Joomla! is excellent.”

“Johan is responsible for the development of the Joomla! Framework., he lead the Joomla! project to become the succesfull project it is today.”

“Johan is the man behind the amazing architecture design of the only PHP based CMS with a solid development framework.”

Packt Publishing has announced the names  of most valued people in different open source content management system projects. These names have been put forward by the core development and community members of these projects. Johan has been the former Lead Architect and Project Manager in the Joomla Core development team.

Johan Janssens

Johan Janssens

Currently Johan Janssens is the Managing Director and Lead Architect in Joomlatools. He and his team are responsible for amazing projects such as Nooku an amazing content translation solution and also he has done great framework contributions to our ongoing project the Anahita Social Engine framework.

Come and Visit us in our new office!

Come and Visit us in our new office in Yaletown

Perhaps you have noticed the lack of activity on our blog and website. No we haven’t won any lottery tickets yet ( we don’t buy any ), but for the past few months we have been really busy with Client projects and also moved offices to Downtown Vancouver in the beautiful Yaletown area.

Our new office is located at #109 – 1118 Homer Street, Vancouver, BC (Google Map). We are the very social people offering Social Media solutions.

Yaletown, 14-Sep-08

When we take a break and go for a walk, this is our view.

Yaletown, 19-Sep-08

We are still unpacking and organizing the new location and try to keep up with the client projects in the same time.

Yaletown, 9-Oct-08

Ash Sanieyan from PeerGlobe Technology. He is the best freakin Software Architect you can ever find

Yaletown, 17-Sep-08

My wonderful friend Elliot, brought us awesome chocolate goodies! This fellow is my hero!

Another good news is that we have been working hard lately on the Anahita Social Engine project with my wonderful team-mate Ash Sanieyan from Peer Globe Technology and some great help from the folks at the Joomlatools. We like to think that the public GPL release of Anahita will be out within 4 months or less. If you like to get constant updates regarding the progress of the project please feel free to subscribe to my tweets

[tags]rmdstudio, office, peerglobe, anahita, socialengine, vancouver, yaletown[/tags]