Imagine a neighborhood where all the door locks come from the same manufacturer. Once the bad guys learn how to break one lock, they’ll be able to break every lock in that neighborhood. (Hey that looks like most condos in Vancouver!)
Now if half of those locks came from two different manufacturers, that means the thieves have to learn two different ways to break those locks. Now imagine if different door locks were using five, six, or seven different technologies, eventually it would be much more difficult for the thieves to rob the entire neighborhood, even though they could still cause partial damage. Partial damage is always better than having the entire neighborhood exposed to the break-in threats.
The same analogy can be used in other ways, for example houses come in different shapes and forms so thieves have to come up with different plans or use different types of ladders to climb up and break-into those houses. Using different material to build houses possibly introduces further challenges too.
Continue reading How does diversity bring more security?