Joomla! 1.5 RC4 (code Karibu) has been released

Joomla! CMSFollowing the last week’s public bug squashing event that we did ( part 1part 2 ) with other 5 other major cities in the world, 100 commits were made and 88 bugs have been fixed by 52 of community members who have participated in the process.

Today we are proud to announce that Joomla! CMS version 1.5 Release Candidate 4 has been publicly released, and we are already looking forward to the next major release of our beloved content management system which will be the stable version.

Joomla! CMS 1.5 is the world’s best open source content management system and web application framework which has been rewritten from scratch based on a new Model View Controller (MVC) architecture and it is going to become the foundation for many next generation CMS based web applications, Intranets, and Social Media frameworks.

Joomla! CMS is especially well known for it’s intuitive and easy to use User Interface, and very modular software architecture.

[tags]joomla, open source, collaboration, cms, content management, rmdstudio, web application[/tags]